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KORA maşină de plantat cartofi

Necesar de putere: 50-90 CPUNIA KORA maşină de plantat cartofi

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Echipament standard

  • lăţime între rânduri 70 / 75 / 90 cm
  • dispozitiv tensionare curea
  • scuturător bandă alimentare
  • discuri de muşuroire
  • roți (KORA 4, 4h, 4hp, 4ho)
  • role ghidare – 15 viteze


  • lăţime de plantare 70-90 cm


Mounted four row potato planter with hopper load capacity 840-900 kg (it depends from width of planting).



Mounted four row potato planter equipped with a forming device.



Trailed four row potato planter with hydraulically lifted hopper with load capacity 2000-2200 kg (it depends from width of planting).


KORA 2 (70÷75 CM)disponibil
KORA 4 (70 / 75 CM)disponibil
KORA 4H (75 / 90 CM)disponibil
KORA 4HP (75 / 90 CM)disponibil
KORA 4HO (75 CM)disponibil

Accessorii pentru extra taxă

optional set for planting sprouted potatoes (for KORA 2)disponibil
optional set for planting sprouted potatoes (for KORA 4)disponibil
surcharge for interrow width 90 cm (for KORA 4H / 4HP)disponibil
fertilizer scatterer (for KORA 2) *disponibil
fertilizer scatterer (for KORA 4) *disponibil
set of inserts for planting undersized seeds (for KORA 2) *disponibil
set of inserts for planting oversized seeds (for KORA 2) *disponibil
set of inserts for planting undersized seeds (for KORA 4 / 4H / 4HP / 4HO) *disponibil
set of inserts for planting oversized seeds (for KORA 4 / 4H / 4HP / 4HO) *disponibil
track openers *disponibil

Specificații tehnice

nr. rânduri24444
lăţimea de lucru [m]1,4-1,53,03,03,63,03,63,0
lăţime între rânduri [cm]70/7570/757590759075
capacitate buncăr cartofi [kg]40084010001200200022001000
adâncime plantare [cm]4÷124-124-124-124-12
productivitate [ha/h]0,3-0,50,6-1,11,31,51,61,71,3
masă [kg]44089513401390158016301500
necesar de putere [CP]50757590758090

PLANTERS – major features

Chain transmissions (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)

Chain transmissions

Potato planters are equipped in chain transmissions that enable obtaining 15 various distances of the seed-potatoes in a row, in the range from 12 cm to 48 cm.

Adjustment of bucket elevator shaking (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)

Adjustment of bucket elevator shaking

In a standard design, our potato planters offer adjustment of bucket elevator shaking. Appropriate setting of the shaker makes that unnecessary potatoes fall out of the buckets (when there are more than one seed-potato inside).

Attachment of the ridging discs (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)

Attachment of the ridging discs

Attachment of the ridging discs allows adjustment of their angle of inclination and distances between them. By appropriate spacing of the ridging discs, we can achieve different shapes of ridges and different height of potato covering.

The belt tensioner (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)

The belt tensioner

The belt tensioner is designed so that one lever tensions the belt from both sides. The tensioner facilitates fast switch-off of the planting belt (e.g. after completion of work or for winter).

Copying wheels (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)

Copying wheels

The copying wheels allow maintaining the same planting depth in all rows, despite the curvature of the area. It is important, since the emergence of potatoes should occur at the same time over the whole plantation. Four-row planters, i.e. KORA 4, KORA 4h and KORA 4hp, have the copying wheels installed as a standard, while they can be installed also in the tworow KORA planter.

Shovel ploughs (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)

Shovel ploughs

Shovel ploughs can be installed instead of the ridging discs.

Optional set for planting (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)

Optional set for planting

KORA 2 planter has optional set for planting sprouted potatoes. The set includes: rear and side platforms for boxes with seed-potatoes and vibration panels that reduce sprout damages.

Bulk fertilizer scatterer (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)

Bulk fertilizer scatterer

In KORA 2 planter, it is possible to install bulk fertilizer scatterer, used for feeding fertilizer very close to the planted potatoes.

Scoops (KORA maşină de plantat cartofi)


The planters in the standard versions have the scoops installed (yellow) that provide pick-up of single sorted seed-potatoes, ranging in size from 35 to 60 mm. When planting undersized or oversized seed-potatoes (in relation to those specified above), it is advisable to use special inserts for small or big seeds, accordingly.